The Big Move

This is how dawn found her; DORIS, poised to leave Crocker’s Boatyard after 30 years, glowing in the new day’s anticipation. Pulling onto the streets of New London one couldn’t

Doris or Not Doris?  Questioning Archive Photos

It seems like research should be a linear progression – you discover information, and throw it into your big basket of known things.  The problem, as I learned well running

Agnes Muller Herreshoff’s photo album

A research trip to the Herreshoff Museum revealed a collection of wonderful artifacts. The first of these exciting discoveries, all of which will be shared in upcoming blog posts, include several photos taken by

A New Beginning

Languishing in a boat yard in New London CT for 30 years, DORIS, the largest all-wood sailing vessel built by Herreshoff Manufacturing Co in 1905, was scheduled to be scrapped
